Oct 20, 2022

This Edition:
New RRWA Board Member - Tanner Scheuermann
Prairie Seed Collecting
Water Testing - Oct 22
Neil Hamilton in Perry - Nov 5th
Life in the Raccoon River Conference - April 8, 2023
Ty Smedes - Photo Competition for Life In
The RRWA has a new board member
Tanner Scheuermann, Greene County Conservation Director - who is making great strides - meeting w Robin and Colleen Radebaugh about Tipton, providing Tree Walks of county parks, continuing the work of forest restoration after the derecho and a December tornado tore thru the county (and the parks). We are fortunate to have him on board and in Greene County. (See more about our board members on the website www.RaccoonRiver.org)
Prairie Seed Collecting:
Oct 21, 9am
The Panora Chapter of the Izaak Walton League has been working on a prairie restoration at the Panora School for three years. Mark Dorhout, a teacher at the school, will bring a busload of students to Delaney’s prairie for seed collection on Friday, October 21. Let Delaney know by replying to this e-mail if you would like to join the fun.
Photo by Colleen Radebaugh—What is it?
Water Testing: Oct 22
Members of the Raccoon River Watershed Association and the Panora chapter of the Izaak Walton League have been testing tributaries to the Raccoon River in Greene County every month. Members are concerned about a hog confinement sited upstream from Squirrel Hollow in Greene County. Since the park is so popular with anglers, paddlers, and even swimmers, the RRWA is trying to keep this confinement from further polluting the Raccoon River.
Bob Rye will be organizing the October testing on the 22nd. Please join the effort, even if you are inexperienced. Contact Bob at Robert Rye justrt@gmail.com.
From Chris Henning, president: Citizen science water testing - setting a baseline in the Greene County Save Squirrel Hollow (2nd oldest Iowa County Park) on the Raccoon at mile marker 78, SE of Jefferson. Monthly testing of more than 20 viable stream segments, using SOS protocols, summer of May thru November 2022, coordinated by Bob Rye and committee; training by Susan Heathcote and Heather Wilson.
Book Talk with Visiting Author - Prof. Neil Hamilton: Nov 5
Hometown Heritage at the Carnegie Library Museum will host visiting author and Drake Professor Emeritus Dr. Neil Hamilton for a Book Talk on his recently published title, The Land Remains A Midwestern Perspective On Our Past and Future, at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, November 5, at the Carnegie Library Museum, 1123 Willis Avenue, Perry. Longtime director of the Drake University Agricultural Law Center, Dr. Hamilton, will talk about his book and share his perspective on agriculture and land policy, as well as his extensive knowledge of the history of conservation in Iowa, including soil health, water quality, public lands, and more. Sponsored by the Raccoon River Watershed Association, this event is free and open to the public. Plan to join the conversation, and register for door prizes at this exciting program. Everyone is welcome!
Annual "Life in the Raccoon River" Conference: April 8th
Annual “Life in the Raccoon River” Conference at the Des Moines Area Community College Campus in Des Moines at 1144 7th in the new conference center
"Life in the Raccoon River" Photo Contest
RRWA members:
We all are photographers now with our phones and digital cameras.
Professional photographer Ty Smedes has agreed to select the best photos for the RRWA in a photo competition that will run from now until April 1st.
Awards will be given at the Life in the Raccoon River meeting at The DMACC Urban Campus on April 8.
Digital pictures only can be sent to Ty Smedes at ty.smedes@smedesphoto.com. Put “RRWA Digital Photo Contest" in the subject line.
All photographs must be taken in the Raccoon River Watershed.
Categories will include recreation, plants, scenic, and wildlife.
Each person can submit up to four photos. JPEG images only.
Judging criteria—technique, composition, and interest.
Please indicate where and when your photos were taken.
Photographers agree to allow the RRWA to show their photos at the meeting and display them with credits on RaccoonRiver.org,